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As the weather heats up, it brings a lot of perks and makes us very happy.
However, there are also a couple of downsides to the temperatures rising.
Sunburn aside, our rubbish also gets warmer and this can attract flies and maggots, which nobody wants a wheelie bin full of.
If this is a problem you’ve been dealing with lately, then one woman might have a solution for you.
A TikTok user who posts under the name @sisterpledgecleans has gone viral on the video-sharing platform after posting a hack that has become an “unconscious standard practice” in her day to day life.

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In a clip, the cleaning enthusiast can be seen washing out two small waste bins.
Once they are all nice and clean, she adds a good amount of table salt to the bottom before use.
She explains: “Here’s a great hack for stopping flies in your bins.
“Sprinkle a generous amount of table salt in the bottom of clean bins.

“The salt soaks up any leaked fluid and flies and maggots die when they feed on it.”
The video has since gone viral, being watched almost four million times and garnering over 400,000 likes.
Thousands also commented on the life hack, sharing their thoughts and thanking her for letting them know about it.
One person said: “Oh thank you!! Our black bin is full of flies, yet our compost/food bin isn’t. Makes no sense.”
Another replied: “I literally just cleaned my bins yesterday, why did I not see this first?!”
A third approved and suggested: “Add baking powder and it won’t smell.”
Someone else posted: “OMG… this is now my life hack. THANK YOU!!!!”
A different user admitted: “I put a puppy pad at the bottom the bin soaking side up, never had a problem!”
While a sixth TikToker added: “My bins are getting emptied tomorrow. I’m so trying this out!”
A seventh branded the hack a “game-changer” while an eight thought the woman was a “genius.”
For more cleaning tips, you can also follow Sister Pledge Cleans on Instagram @sisterpledgecleans.
Do you have a handy life hack to share? We want to hear all about it. Email us at [email protected]
This content was originally published here.