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1. Introduction:
Asthma, allergy, eczema, frequent respiratory infection sufferers can all benefit from Gelair Health-e split.
While there are many products on the market that claim to eliminate airborne germs, Gelair Health-e split is specifically designed for asthma, allergy, eczema and frequent respiratory infection sufferers. This gel uses a unique formula that has been proven to be effective in reducing these symptoms. In addition, it also helps to remove musty smells from the air and prevents mold growth.
2. What is Gelair Health-e Split?
Gelair Health-e split is an air purifier that uses pure tea tree oil to eliminate airborne germs, mold and mildew. It is designed for people with asthma, allergies, eczema, multiple chemical sensitivities, and other respiratory conditions. The product releases the right amount of tea tree oil which eliminates mold, bacteria, and viruses in the air that is passing through the aircon and prevents it from growing and recirculation in indoor air.
3. How does it work?
Gelair Health-e split uses a patent pending technology that is designed to eliminate airborne germs. It works by using tea tree oil vapor to kill molds, bacteria, and viruses. This makes it less likely for airborne pathogen to reproduce and recirculated in the air preventing asthma attacks, allergies, eczema, and recurring repiratory infections. Safe to use for people with multiple chemical sensitivities.
4. Who should use Gelair Health-e Split?
Gelair Health-e Split is for people who want to reduce airborne germs and improve their respiratory health. It is especially beneficial for those with asthma, allergies, eczema, frequent respiratory infections, and multiple chemical sensitivities.
5. Why Gelair Health-e Split product over others available on the market today?
The Gelair Health-e split is a product that has been designed to eliminate airborne germs. This product is different from other products on the market today because it uses pure Australian Tea Tree Oil to kill bacteria and viruses. There are no chemicals used in this product, so it is safe for people with asthma, allergies, eczema, and respiratory infections. The Gelair Health-e split also comes with a quality guarantee, so you can be sure that you will be satisfied with the results.
It’s also very cost effective and easy to use. It installs in under 2 minutes and works within minutes. It can be used for both window and split-type aircon. It lasts for up to 3 months.
6. Where to purchase/How much does it cost?
You can purchase Gelair Health-e Split through www.houseofpureessence.com
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